Friday, June 20, 2008

I never use a comb

As I got the other morning for work something hit me that I really never thought of before. I basically get out of the shower in the morning(yes I am a morning showerer) and I throw a little hair management products in my hair, and flip it around a little to make it look like I care but not to much about the way it looks. After I did that I started thinking about combs and brushes and the fact that one has not made it through my hair in quite some time. I can't remember the last time it happened and I am thinking it has been many years. Maybe this is not a big deal but it hit me that there are many people that do use this things and I don't. I am sure it shows to them that I am a hair management hippy. I guess I just have a fundamental problem with the whole idea of combing my hair. It is just to much structure and confinement for my follicles. I tent to take the approach of a free range hair background.  I believe it should have a little freedom with some guidelines. See, the gel I use is a metaphor for the guidelines or loose rules and the hair has the freedom to be creative and operate within this semi confined space of my head. Where have I gone with this? I do not even understand the crap I am making up now. Anyway, I am sure it shows but I never use a comb. Take it or leave it. Maybe you thinking I am getting good results with my fingers and maybe you thing I need some improvements but I am not going to change now. 

1 comment:

Mrs said...

I knew it. I. Knew. It.

Word: Hair follicles. You're supposed to massage your scalp to promote healthy growth. Brushing does that.

Ty has the same hair habits.

Don't worry, I won't put it on my report. (Which came in the mail finally, by the way!)